Monday, April 13, 2009

Tube Worm (serpulid sp.)

Tube Worm (serpulid sp.)
Origin: Singapore, Sri Lanka, and indonesia
feeding habitat: omnivora

Sp Serpulid to include in the filum annelida which consists of a variety of tube worms that live in the "parchement-like" or Stony tube.
This species has a color-the bright colors, so many attractive aquarist for the marine aquarium.

There are many different colors of serpulid sp namely red, blue, black, white and feather-yellow.feather on serpulid only consists of one color only, no species that have colorful feathers.
Serpulid sp diameter can reach 4 cm.species this does not require bright lighting such as others invertabrata.Handling in the aquarium is not so difficult to feed and who need a liquid feed.

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