Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cleaning the tank

Keeping the tank clean is very important and quite simple, provided specialist advice is followed. Annoyingly enough, this advice consists mainly of a series of 'don'ts'.

Do not buy your fish from a dealer whom you distrust or whose technical knowledge as an aquarist you feel is insufficient.

Do not buy too many fish or too few plants so that the balance of your tank is upset.

Do not overfeed. Live food or its substitute is very helpful.

Place the aquarium in a sensible position; not backing on to a window, not in too bright a spot, not in a strong draught unless your dealer has been warned of that and has provided strong heaters.

Siphon off the bottom occasionally and wipe the inside of the glass very, very gently.

See that the heating elements of the tropical tank work well.

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