Thursday, March 29, 2007

Setting an aquarium without aeration

The vital factor of an aquarium is length and the width of it and not its depth.

Excess depth from top to bottom is harmful since it will be a factor contributing to the difference in the water temperature. Besides that the light may fail to penetrate down in deep tanks.

Large water surface enable us to use glass covers or close-fitting top light, as there would be enough oxygen in a cushion of air trapped between the top of the water and the glass cover. The carbon dioxide concentration will not be harmful for a good many hours. During this time, the cover would normally be displaced, for feeding thus renewing the oxygen supply and letting out the ‘bad’ air.

Then, another question will prop up our mind. Without aeration, do we need to change water in the aquarium? The anwer is no.

Fish consumed oxygen dissolved in the water and give off harmful carbon dioxide. We do not have to change water if the tank has sufficiently large air surface of the water. This will allow fresh oxygen taken and the bad gases escape at a fast enough rate. What we should remember is that there should not be too many or too big fish, otherwise the oxygen is consumed and the bad gases are produced too fast. Therefore, the size of the air surface (the area of water in actual contact with the atmosphere) and the number and size of fish should be relatively appropriate.

Growing plants in the aquarium is another way to break down the carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen and nitrates. The oxygen is for the fish consumption while the nitrates act as fertilizers for the plants. Lastly, there must be light to make the plant grows.

Who needs aeration pumps then? And say goodbyes to the extra responsibility of changing water.

Lets keep our fish the natural way.

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