Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tips to get healthy fish

When getting fish from the pet store, we should look into the following matters in order to ensure only healthy fish are obtained.

Fish for sale are in large display tank

In large aquarium, the fish may seem few in number and therefore gives the impression that the dealer is not offering a good assortment from which to choose from. But what matters is the fish is healthy.

From the dealer’s point of view, the small aquarium lowers the overhead costs, makes it easier and quicker to catch fish and gives a better ‘display’. On the other hand, we as the customers might suffer as fish kept in such conditions are bound to be weak and fall sick unless removed quickly.

The display tanks are not aerated

Fish accustomed to aeration will suffer if moved to non-aerated water. Therefore, we who do not have air pumps will face problems in keeping our fish healthy. Good dealers will keep fish in still water.

Fish are isolated before sale

Fish may carry disease or be sick themselves, so that quarantine of a few days is the only real safeguard. If the fish have been obtained from new or untried sources, a much longer period of separation is required. Look out for tanks labelled with 'Quarantined' in the store we visit.

The water and tank condition

The tank displaying fish for sale should be clean and a good dealer will go to the trouble to equalize water temperatures before taking the fish out of one tank to put into another.

To conclude, how the dealer keeps their fish gives us the indication on the condition of the fish for sale.

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