Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Tiger Barb Fish

Sumatra Barb or tiger Barb including Ordo Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae familia.this Fish be found in Malaysia, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Cambodia and also in some places in the Asian Continent. Tiger barb can be reached 7 cm long and 3 cm wide. This fish can be found in the tropical waters, with pH between 6-8, and temperature 77 - 82 ° F.

This fish has a body-colored ribbon colors with 4 color portrait, including one through the eyes and one on the base of tail fin; side line not only has a perfect 8-9 scale; body width approximately half the length of the standard; stem head 12 surrounded by shell. Fish is a basic but often reside on the surface to search for food. There are many children in the river and the lake in size small (2-3 cm) are groups. Parent-parent caught in the river in the size of 3-4 cm long. Distribution in the watershed Musi, River in Lempuing, LEMATANG and Musi Banyuasin.

main food of tiger barb is detritus and zoo-bentos, while additional food form of worms and crustace low level. Fish are very active in the surface waters to steal food. Tiger barb reach sexual mature at the length of 2 to 3 cm (0.8 - 1.2 inches) or approximately the age of 6 -7 sunday.

Female fish larger dorsal fin and has a more dark, while male fish more colorful light.the season of reproduction in the flood area eggs and egg-hatch, flyblow living in the flood area until measuring 1 cm and ± move to lakes and creek. Fekunditas ranged from 300-500 eggs and can achieve the highest fekunditas 1000 eggs

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