Wednesday, March 11, 2009

White Spot in The Freshwater Ornamental Fish

white spot caused by a parasite ichtyoptirius multifilis.White spot or ich infected and can damage the skin, fin and gill of the fish into the fresh water.ich including fillum protozoa, sub fillum ciliophora, class ciliata, family ophryoglenidae, and this genus ichthyophtirus.parasit has oval shape with a diameter of 50 micro-meter and 1 mm have clilia who have always bergetar.ich macro nucleus shaped like a horseshoe transparent.

prevent and treat white spot

the easiest way to prevent the occurrence of white spot disease is to maintain water quality so that in optimal condition for the maintenance of water.routine change of water can reduce this parasite's infektivitas.The increase of temperature up to 32 C also able to eliminate this infektivitas parasite.
treatment with chemicals is done to eradicate common parasites ini.Treatment done externally, and made during the free swim.

generally attacked the first time is a fin and tail of fish, only some of the white spot is visiable.When fin and body weight of infected fish have been marked with many a white spot, indicating the fish are really sick and need serious treatment.
many drug options that can be used, among others, with the use of Quinine hydrochloride dose 30mg/liter for 12 hours.
antibiotics can also be used to treat white spot disease, such as penicillin, and tetracyclin.but excessive use of antibiotics can cause water to become muddy and become resistant parasites.

chemicals that may be used is malachite green oxalate with doses between 0,05-0,1 ppm and formalin with dose ranging between 10-25 ppm.

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