Monday, April 13, 2009

Cultivation of Ornamental Fish Oscar (Astronatus Ocellatus)


Oscar fish is a type of freshwater fish which originated from the river Amazone,
Panama, Paraguay and the Rio-Negro-Tio South America, and sudapat
cultivated in Indonesia.
Oscar fish have the shape and color of interest. Body color
dusky with aeneous style. No
others such as ornamental fish, oscar fish need a little special treatment in the
cultivation way, so this Oscar fish including fish

1) Up Elections
a. A good parent is aged 1.5 years to 2
years with a body length of 15 cm and 10 cm high and the body
b. Parent selection begins when the fish are still teenagers Oscar (5 ~ 6 months), with
how to blend 5 male and 5 tails female. Oscar fish teenagers
This will find its own partner. After each pair
then we separate them in the tanks to be withdrawn until the parent.

2) Differences male and female fish
male fish
- The length of the body is relatively more long
- Genitals more prominent
Female fish
- The parent has been bloated stomach
- Larger hole sex

How to cultivating fish

a. Vessel made of marital cement sized 1 1 / 2 x 1 x 0.5 m
, Filled water that has been deposition for 12 hours at 24 ~ 30 ~ 40 cm.

b. If the vessel is large, can be divided.
c. Pair of parent who has been Oscar-cooked egg is inserted in the vessel.
d. In each column is given a flat stone and the dark color on top of
closed most of the atmosphere so that the fields become fluorescent.
e. Oscar marriage the afternoon and evening immediately fertilized by
f. Eggs that are in the top of the flat stones that have been fertilized
up included in the aquarium for incubation. Aquarium
measuring 70 x 40 x 40 cm filled with water up to 10 cm, for a pair of eggs
g. Be given to the aquarium in the air (aerasi) with the weak force.
h. Done 3 days usually begin egg-hatch eggs.
i. Emalin given water or a mixture of methylene blue.

3. Maintenance of seed

1) fish seed this until the age of 4 days should not be fed, because
still have a supply of food in the yolk sacknya (yellow).
2) On day 5 seed to be given food Rotifera. Feeding is not
may be delayed because of a cannibal fish Oscar (consume each other).
3) On the day 10 to be given a flea that has been filtered .
4) After the age of 2 weeks is given start seed infestation of water and filtered without
worms begin to try out the hair.
5) The seed has been moved to the trash can / pond a more knowledgeable after
aged 25 days.

1) enlargement fish after 25 days aged seedlings.
2) The seed that produced approximately 1000 until 3000 for a one-time tails
incubation.and filled with water at 20 - 25 cm.
4) For the first time the enlargement can stock more than 300 fish tails.
5) To reduce the sun light at noon, in the basin are given
water plants like water hyacinth and Hidrilla Verticilata. To prevent
inclusion of too much rain water, in the upper part of the vessel is closed
zinc with plastic.
6) pick up the fish after the seed is in the tub for a month with
to 200 the number of tails
7) Food provided a tiny worms.
8) After the fish aged 5 ~ 6 months, the fish are to be made
parent, the food provided was replaced with shrimp that are still times
fresh / live, can also be rebon shrimp that are still fresh.
9) a pair of parent can produce eggs in 1000 until 4000 for a single grain

To get a beautiful color on the Oscar fish, feeding
must contain calcium (chitine) started small, such as the water bug
(Moina), Rotifera, hair worms, Artemia, shrimp, or shrimp rebon times.

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