Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sumatera's Arwana Fish

One of the ancient fish that these fish are not yet extinct Arwana (Scleropages sp).the Fish until one century ago nearly unknown. Luckily there were two German scientists named Muller and Schlegel are interested in the beauty of the fish that they find in South America. Research they found that fish is not known. Both give the name of the fish Osteoglossum formosum.

But in 1913 two Dutch experts Zoology Max Weber and LF de Beaufort change its name to Scleropages formosus. Until the invention of the last type of Kanazawa by Japanese scientists in 1966, has found many Arwana. At least four have already known that the genus with one species Arapaima (Arapaima gigas), Osteoglossum with two species of Osteoglossum bicirrhosum and Osteoglossum ferreirai, then Scleropages genus with four species, namely Scleropages formosus, Scleropages guntheri, Scleropaghes leichardti and Scleropages jardini. Genus is the last Clupisudis with single species Cluoisudis nilot.

While in Indonesia, which is usually found is a kind of Super Red Arowana (Scleropages formosus). Arwana this type are found in many rivers and lakes in Sintang and Kapuas Hulu in West Kalimantan. The rivers are the Kapuas River that children save a lot of these types of Arwana for the river or lake without stone and river flows quietly, not swift as Kapuas River.
In addition to the West Kalimantan, Arwana also found in Sumatra, especially in the area of Riau and Jambi, but the type is Arwana Red (Golden Red Arowana) This species is included Scleropages formosus.

Basic colors Arwana Sumatra is golden yellow in the head and the tail fin and red taillights. Arwana diincar that many collectors are not "bergincu" lips. However pamornya not sehebat Super Red Arowana.
Type Arwana which is also located in Indonesia is Arwana green (green arowana), which is also found in Borneo, among others, on the River and River Melawai Mensiku. The main color is green on the tail. However, the color green is often not visible because it is red. Only in the adult, the color green is clearly visible. Arwana green habibat this is the color of river water is not too clean, browny.
There are two types of Arwana others who also live in Indonesia, namely in Papua, but it seems the population is not too large. Collectors also prefer to hunt in this type of Arwana Australian population is high enough.
In Australia, population Arwana type of Scleropages jardini and Scleropages leichardti high. The first type mainly found in the River Jardine River and Queensland. Characteristics, body berbintik red, the silver belly. While the type of Scleropages leichardti there are many in the Fitzroy River, Mary River, Dawson River Burnett River and Australia.
Type this in Indonesia also found in some small rivers in Papua. However, because the observation in Papua has not been intensive, many people estimate population Arwana this second type is big enough. While the types of Silver Arowana and Black Arowana found a lot of South America, North and some rivers in Africa. In Indonesia as well Arwana population in Papua, has not been recorded.

Choosing Arwana
Not easy to select Arwana good. Necessary knowledge and experience. For beginners is somewhat difficult. But among collectors as a "consensus" to see the quality of Arwana movement, the form of the head, tail, scale and form of the body.
Arwana a healthy and quality usually it's move agile, can not be silent. He will explore the wide aquarium and nimble prey food provided. While Arwana the sick otherwise. it's move is slow, does not desire to eat, and prefer hit wall aquarium.
Arwana physical form of the good that, among other forms of body with the spine straight and long. Humped back, and not as prominent camel. Its looks sturdy and strong. Agency does not have disability or scar. Its shell bright colors and shiny.
Arwana mouth wide. Its jaw not the same between the bottom and top. Longer mandible. On the chin there is a pair of long mustache. Do not have to drop out of the grouse. For the Arwana, muttering that dropouts can not grow anymore. Arwana that does not mean maunder permanent disability for the arwana own with the very movement and agility.
Arwana have a good head of large and shaped like a fan. Must be the tail that is not ragged edge, which may be due to scar bite fight each other. it also be important, do not choose to Arwana that have tail that pitted white. Arwana scale must be neat, not rough and there is no scar. Scale should be shiny surface and not a lot of slimy.
Physical Arwana a very important note is the eyes. Eyes that have to be rounded and large. However, do not choose to Arwana a prominent eyes bug out or up or down. Be careful with Arwana the blind. Note also Arwana gill be normal, with a hard cover and meetings. Do not cover the gill Arwana that curve out, as will the bernapasnya.
About the color of course depends Arwana collector's enjoyment. For the many options that can be done. But that must be, first observed, the color is good, not brilliant but dull. accordance with the desire. For colors that are not bright and shiny is not impossible that the dragon signifies the fish are sick.

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